Ross and I were invited to attend the Guild Meeting for our campus - an event in which the Guild and Auxilary members receive updates from employees as to the services we are providing, campus improvements, and agency updates. Initially I thought, Wow! I must be someone big now - I was invited to attend the Guild Meeting! Then, I realized that it was really Ross who was invited, but since he can't speak or drive, the invitation came to me ;) And, it turns out, Ross was not only invited, but the guest of honor!
Ross was not feeling very honorable though... The meeting was hosted at the very lovely home of one of the guild members, and a request was made that her hardwood floors be protected from Ross' nails. Having hardwood floors and dogs myself, I understood her concern. Unfortunately, Ross is going through a nail clipping phobia, so that option was not an option. Which only left one other option: dog boots. Fortunately, I have a very nice pair of Vibram soled boots for my dog who hikes and snow shoes. And, on this night, he was kind enough to lend his very cool boots to Ross, who did not think they were cool at all, much less honorable.
In an effort to provide some desensitization prior to the meeting, Ross practiced wearing the boots at home, where he could be humiliated in the privacy of his own house, with the curtains drawn, and only his family to laugh at him (with love, of course). By the time he had to wear them for the Guild Meeting, he did not walk quite so funny, but he hung his head in shame. Eventually, he laid at my feet and slept through the meeting.
Ross, of course, was a perfect guest. My coworkers and I spoke of the amazing work Ross does with the kids, and the importance of Project Replicate Ross, given that Ross is not available at all hours of the day and night. Two days later, a box of Ross replicas arrived, with an anonymous note from "a friend."
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